Wool Parish Council
What is a parish council?
A parish council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and has an overall responsibility for the well-being of its local community. It is the level government closest to the community, with the district authority above it in the hierarchy.
As it is the authority closest to the people, parish councils are invariably the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason they are a vital part of any community.
Its work falls into three main categories:
representing the local community
delivering services to meet local needs
striving to improve quality of life in the parish
About Wool Parish Council
Wool Parish is a rural parish in Dorset comprising two wards, Bovington (6 councillors) and Wool (9 councillors). Roughly a third of the land in the parish is owned by the Ministry of Defence. The only land owned by Wool Parish Council (WPC) is Wool recreation field, Meadow Lane play park, The D'Urberville Centre (village hall) and two small green spaces, The Cross and Millennium Square. This severely restricts Wool Parish Council’s ability to provide facilities for the parish, particularly in Bovington and Cologne Road.
Full parish council meets monthly and as do the two committees: the Policy and Resource Committee, and the Recreation, Amenities and Environment Committee. Information is disseminated via this website, social media, notice boards, drop-in sessions and a monthly newsletter (online and paper).
Services provided by WPC include a play park, a skate park, a recreational field, a dog and litter warden and various street furniture such as benches and bus shelters. WPC partners with other organisations to provide a youth club, a community library, The D'Urberville Centre and allotments.
Recently completed projects include a new skatepark, defibrillator provision and a new finance/payroll system. Ongoing projects include the development of a Neighbourhood Plan, the reintroduction of public toilets and working with Dorset Council to improve public transport.
What is Wool Parish Council responsible for?
What do I report a problem to?
It depends...
It depends upon what your issue is and where your issue is. Working out what is the responsibility of Wool Parish Council, Dorset Council, the MOD, your housing association, the water company, the police, the train company etc. is extremely complicated.
A rough guide to who is responsible for what is provided below. If you need help, then contact the clerk who will help to point you in the right direction. The clerk can also help if you are not getting a satisfactory response from the responsible organisation
What is definitely the responsibility of Wool Parish Council?
The D’Urberville field (except for Anti-Social Behaviour which is the police)
Wool skate park (except for Anti-Social Behaviour which is the police)
Meadow Lane play park (except for Anti-Social Behaviour which is the police)
Bin collection on The D’Urberville field, Wool skate park and Meadow Lane play park
Grass cutting at The D’Urberville field, Wool Skate park, Meadow Lane play park, The Cross, Millennium Square and East Burton Church
Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) positioned on Dorchester Road, Lulworth Road, King George V Road and East Burton Road
Defibrillators positioned at The D’Urberville, Cologne Road Community Rooms, Bovington Community Store in Gaza Road, 3 The Briars on Purbeck Gate and Taylor’s the butchers
The bus stop opposite Boots on Dorchester Road
Benches around the parish are likely to belong to Wool Parish Council
The Neighbourhood Plan
To respond to planning applications although Dorset Council is the final decision maker
Whilst Wool Parish Council is involved in providing the services below, the main contact is not Wool Parish Council.
email: woolallotmentassociation@gmail.com
Wool Community Library
email: info@woolcommunitylibrary.org
tel: 01929 405259 (during library hours). Mobile: 07908 888347 (takes voicemail)
Wool Youth Club
email : miamurray@pycf.org.uk
tel: 01929 552934
The D’Urberville Centre
tel: 07522 844584 (Mon – Fri, 10am – 7pm)
email: durbervillebookings@outlook.com
Where your issue is
The location of your issue is a big factor. If it is parish council land (The D’Urberville field, Wool skate park, Meadow Lane play park, The Cross or Millennium Square), then report it to Wool Parish Council.
If the issue is in Wool or East Burton and it is not parish council land, then it is likely that you need to report it to Dorset Council.
Bovington and Cologne Road are a bit more complicated.
Much of Bovington camp and parts of Cologne Road are owned by the MOD but there are still parts supported by housing associations or Dorset Council.
The maps below show which roads have been adopted by Dorset Council (Purbeck Gate was recently adopted but the map obtained from https://explorer.geowessex.com has not been updated yet).

Where your issue is (continued)
If the issue is in a housing association area, then report it to the housing association. They will quickly point you in the right direction if it is not them.
If the issue is in what you believe to be MOD land, then report it to the MOD. They will quickly point you in the right direction if it is not them.
Reporting problems to the MOD
Email: ARMCEN-GSO-0Mailbox@mod.gov.uk
Reporting problems to Dorset Council online
If you are comfortable reporting problems online, then the best way to do this is using the self-service portal at https://dorset-self.achieveservice.com
The portal provides the services listed alphabetically below:
Action Van and mobile skate park equipment only booking form
Action Van booking enquiry form supervised and led sessions and equipment hire
Application for Shellfish and Bivalve Mollusc registration documents
Application form for one off hire facilities at Purbeck Sports Centre
Application form for regular hire of facilities at Purbeck Sports Centre
Application to join the Landlords Local Authority Partnership
Application to West Dorset and Weymouth designation of a neighbourhood plan area
Bournemouth Borough Council: Form 1 Request for Urgent, Standard or Further Standard Authorisation
Bournemouth Borough Council: Form 1A Request for Urgent Authorisation extension
Dorset County Council: Form 1 Request for Urgent, Standard or Further Standard Authorisation
Dorset County Council: Form 1A Request for Urgent Authorisation extension
Dorset County Council planning enforcement enquiry form retired
Poole Borough Council: Form 1 Request for Urgent, Standard or Further Standard Authorisation
Poole Borough Council: Form 1A Request for Urgent Authorisation extension
Weekly parking permit application Weymouth and Portland area
Weymouth and Portland Borough Council allotment request form
Reporting issues to Dorset Council if you are not online
Contact Customer Services
tel: 01305 221000
email: customerservices@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
write to: Dorset Council, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ.
If you need help with any of the above then please contact the clerk who will be happy to help